
Submission and Obedience


Suppose you were at a meeting or an informal gathering and a stranger walked into the room. It was obvious from his expression that he didn't make eye contact with anyone. What did you do? Did you go to where he was standing and introduce yourself? Or did you wait to see what others in the room did?

Maybe you never greeted the stranger. Thus, you failed to make a new acquaintance. Not a big deal, you said...until later you found out that the stranger was scouting for a new hire in his corporation based on the friendliness and affability of someone where you stood and watched. You could have been the person he interviewed for the position and ultimately hired. You missed an opportunity because of your reticence.

When the stranger stepped into the room, he had one purpose in mind: to find the right person for his corporation. You didn't know that. Only he did. You may have excused yourself from speaking to him based on not wanting to be too forward...or maybe you thought that if you engaged in conversation with him, it would deter your time and focus.

As it turned out, someone did step up and introduce herself to him. Ultimately, the stranger had found the person to hire! She was absorbed into the organization to enjoy all the privileges that were part of her new job. You missed all of them.

Maybe an opportunity to be hired isn't the sort of occasion you've missed. Or is it? Have you ever thought that God is standing in the same place where you are standing right now? Like the stranger who entered the room, God is searching among us for someone to fulfill His purpose. Listen to what the prophet Ezekiel said for God:

"I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one" Ezekiel 22:30.

God doesn't say what His search method entails. He may speak directly to those who claim His name. He may put good books, even the Bible itself, in the hands of prospective gap-fillers. He may use current events and the seriousness of world politics to waken us to the need. He simply says He searched for a wo/man who would build up the wall and STAND IN THE GAP BEFORE HIM for the land...but He found no one.

When He knocked on your door, He didn't necessarily tell you what He wanted you to do. He was trying to gain your attention. However, it was easy for you to ignore Him or to defer His desire to talk with you to another hour...and He never returned!

According to what Ezekiel said, no one stepped forward to learn more about God's need and His request. It's still unfilled. What should you do now? What can you do to change the outcome?

You argue: But I don't feel any thing. I don't feel God talking to me. I don't feel an urge or push to do something special for God. I'm struck! What shall I do now?

Take the initiative! Step forward. Tell God you are available to fill whatever capacity He wants you to take on. God has expressed a need and His desire to find someone willing to be responsible for filling it. Now it's your turn to present yourself to God, being available to do whatever He wants to do with you.

God doesn't say exactly how someone standing in the gap before Him will function. He says, however, that...

"we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28.

Yes, God's purpose will interrupt all your plans for the future. Your priorities need to be shelved for His. His purpose must become your purpose. But look at the consequences: He causes ALL THINGS to work together for good to you. There is no place of greater outpouring of good than His purpose.

Are you willing to take the risk? Will you boldly tell God you are available? This side of the decision you cannot possibly see all that will be involved when you put yourself completely in God's hands. But once you get through that doorway, you will begin to experience the inheritance only a son in the family of God can ever access.

It's all up to you. God is waiting for your offer. He will take it from there.

It's the opportunity of a lifetime. Make your offer. If you're sincere, He will receive you. Try Him...on purpose!

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Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®
© Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission.
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