Obedience brings us
Where reason, intuition and common sense can never lead us.
Where intellectualization and rationalization never imagine or desire.
Obedience is
The shedding of the familiar for the unfamiliar,
The steadfast pursuit of the holy,
The persistent practice of the walk by faith and vision, not sight.
Obedience is
Delighting in God, not in His gifts,
Adoring the Adorable while shunning the ungodly and vain, and
Repudiating the popular and profane while choosing the correct and incorruptible.
Obedience is
Loving the unlovable but abhorring the alluring.
It is
An isolated way,
A lonely route,
An unmarked journey
on which
One must not look back,
One cannot see ahead, and
The only visible light is from Above.
Obedience is
Living in the Now Who is the 'I AM',
The same yesterday, today, and forever.
Obedience is
Abandon to the Almighty,
Submission to the Savior,
Humility before the Heavenly One.
Love for the sweet Lamb of God, and
Being caught into His ineffable Presence and dwelling here.